Twitter Bots

by Guadalupe Melendez Izaguirre

Automatic robots that post generated messages to twitter few times a day. The tweets are always different and unpredictable.

@neologicals – Diagrams from a weird science. Write to me and receive a neologism in glorious black and white. This is a bot.

@instaroids – Polaroids by Jamie Livingston + Instagram bios by actual users. Write to me to receive a new one. This is a bot.

@avionesanimales – Everyday I post a collision between an animal and an aircraft in the US since 1990.

@badpopsinger – I sing pop songs. Badly.

r_____io – Palabras y composiciones de objetos a partir de imágenes y textos de las riveras del río Arzobispo. Composiciones y tweets construídos a partir del sonido del río.

CHahahahat – Un bot ríe.

Rilkbaud – Poemas híbridos de Rilke y Rimbaud (para Andrés Martínez)