AnimaAircraft (for a2p)

Booklet produced for the a2p project (V2 Spring 2020), curated by Casey Reas, Iris Long and Carol Sabbadini. Spring 2020 (V2).

Around 40 times a day a bird crashes with its own metallic image.

AnimalAircraft is an algorithmic booklet created from records of the FAA Wildlife Strike Database (1990 – 2020) as selected by the sound of the Arzobispo River in Bogotá using the Google Custom Search API for the automatic selection of images.
Each page illustrates the collision between an animal and an aircraft, identifying the airport and the date of the strike.

Selection of 14 compositions of 359 from a script executed on April 15, 2020 during the first quarantine of the Covid-19 pandemic in La Candelaria, Bogotá, Colombia.

Visit the a2p project gallery
AvionesAnimales, a book and a Twitter bot